Video is up! Dean interviews Rob “Cujo” Teschner

Starting Different™ Dean interviews Rob ‘Cujo’ Teschner

Learn 5 Tips from Cujo to apply to your own Debriefs

LEARN the same approach (the DEBRIEF) as the Air Force Top Gun’s to rapidly accelerate your individual growth and collectively raise your Team’s capability– interview Rob “Cujo” Teschner, the man who was the Subject Matter Expert on Debriefing at the USAF Weapons School.

(Interview was recorded live today– with 155 attendees.)
The techniques and tips introduced in this video interview and taught by Cujo Teschner, former Air Force Top Gun Instructor and F-22 Fighter Squadron Commander, and Top New Vistage Speaker Award recipient, have made a difference for so many people– and we hope they do for you as well! 
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With your success in mind,
 Dean Minuto

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