Your 12 Week Sales Plan: Week 4 “What’s the Difference?”
Week Four focus on THE DELTA with your Team. (More on DELTA and DIFFERENCE below.) Question for the Week: “How can your Team show clients THE DELTA LINE between their PROBLEMS and your SOLUTIONS in 3D: Dollars, Data, Delta?” The YESCALATE® One-Page Sales Coach® model gives your Teams a toolkit* and a language to speak to describe your firm’s consultative process of engaging customers. With […]
Your 12 Week Sales Plan: Week 3 “A thing in Motion tends to…”
For you and your Team 12 Week Sales Plan to GET TO YES FASTER® Week Three focus on MOTION with your Clients. YESCALATE® Tip # 17 “A Thing in Motion…?” We know from science that: A thing in motion tends to stay in motion. This holds true with decision-making: A decision made is likely to be continued. Because people feel pressure […]
London Calling… 12 Week Plan: Who’s YOUR Speaker?
Heading to London tonight to Keynote for Vistage UK (details below) Because I love being your Speaker– (and would be honored to be asked to present for your Group or Event this year) I am customizing for you and your Team this 12 Week Plan to GET TO YES FASTER® You can roll it out […]
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…
If you want more from us, take a look at yourself. Think of this as your GPS Mirror for Sales. (Global Positioning System. Gain Pain Scale.) It’s a Magic Mirror because it lets you see how we (your customers/vendors/partners)… see you.
It’s not about the Soap.
Disney delivers your toys to your hotel room while you ride the rides. American Airlines gives GPS on your phone to the airport on day of travel. Fine hotels take the soap out of the wrapper for you. How can you eliminate one step for your clients?
“Applied Curiosity” Top 4 Best Practices
Top 4 Best Practices to Apply Curiosity to Your Sales Success JOE: “Clarity comes from Curiosity.” DEAN: “Joey, THAT’S the title of your book.” Yesterday, my mentor Joe and I were on the phone sharing our learning’s from the past weekand Joe said the most amazing thing:“Clarity comes from Curiosity.” Whoooaaaaa… That moment when you […]
You Don’t Get What You Deserve.
You Get What You Accept. Video Lesson: MAPS to GET TO YES FASTER® If you missed Last Week’s Webinar Part 1 of 2: YESCALATE® with Dean Minuto The 90-Minute Part 1 webinar was recorded and access is now available for purchaseat the bottom of today’s email. Quick Tip and Video: What are your MAPS? (4 examples […]
On Memorial Day thoughts on the Power of GIVE.
LESSON: The Power of GIVE is EVERY DAY—————————————————- Who do you need to get to yes with this week? There are 7 simple (and timeless) strategies you can use today to GET TO YES FASTER® Today, a quick reminder for you of the the power of one of those strategies… On Memorial Day (as on all days) we […]
2nd-Best Direct Mail Piece Ever: HOW SAD.
Quick Tips and Example: 2nd-Best Direct Mail Piece Ever. (How Sad) —————————————————- LESSON: Five Best Practices and Yet… ————————————————– 12:16 pm today this letter arrived in my mailbox 12:20 pm I opened it and read it 12:21 pm I called with the intent to buy 12:22 pm they lost the deal. I really wanted them to make this sale. I was […]
Show Them Others. (“You’re not Alone.”)
LESSON: Where’s the Evidence? ———————————————You need a YES from someone this week. Quick question: Are they uncertain about whether they should choose you, they should choose another, or they should do nothing? Give them a shortcut to choose you. Keep this in mind: people avoid risk.