My best friend’s “Bag of Rocks”

“Everyone has their own bag of rocks.”
…you’ve heard the phrase.
The bag is filled with their sorrow, their pain.
My grandmother said:
“If one night God brought you into the room
where He keeps everyone’s bag of rocks… 
and let you set your bag down 
and peek into all the other bags…
You’d say:
“Give me back my bag, please.”
So many people carrying such a heavy load.
But what if we “re-framed” those rocks?
What if we carved into them the things we wanted?

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Wanna get better at this…? (a gift to get you started!)

I was thinking about our “craft“… for all of us…
and how we get to Mastery around what we do.
And the math is simple enough:
Improve 1% a dayin 70 days you are twice as good.
If that’s too fast for you…
Then just improve 1% a week, and in 
70 weeks you are twice as good.
So the question is where is your next 1% coming from?
Where is your Team’s next 1% coming from?
How will you (every day, in every way) 
get better at your YES-CRAFT?

“Chunk your Ask…” (This Week.)

Use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
People often choose SAFE over RISKY.
and large commitments imply RISK.
Instead of asking for something big
break the ask up into a series 
of smaller commitments.


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An Admission. (The Science behind “Great News!”)

You can use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
But first, an admission: 
I love Salesmen.
The True Professional– man or woman.
Yeah, I said it.
I always have.
(Deep down inside so do you.)

I love it when they say “I got Great News for you!”
Because I know it’s evidence that they’ve done the work.
And I know they care.
They’re excited. They’re confident.
They can see the “win” that’s in it for me– the WIIFM.
They know the Outcome is going to be GOOD for me.
And I feel it coming off of them.

Those are Victory Chemicals.
And we want some of that.

They are Difference Makers. Truth Tellers.
They are Order-Makers. Not Order-Takers.
And when they’ve done the work in preparation,
when they can see the Solutions to our Problems
they confidently proclaim 
“I got GREAT NEWS for you!”  

“Say it together: NO SURPRISES.” (This Week.)

You can use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
Last week we focused on the fact that 
Deadlines and Limited Numbers
trigger the brain.
(click to read all articles)
“You know what to expect.” CONSISTENT. NO SURPRISES.
What does that famous McDonald’s sign really say?
It says: “You know what to expect.”
That’s what your clients want from you.
That’s what your employees want as well.

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“It’s BS without BECAUSE…” (This Week.)

Use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
YESCALATE® Tip # 8 The Fastest Brain Trigger “SUPPLY”
Last week we focused on the fact that 
compliments release dopamine in the brain.
And I suggested you look for opportunities
to say “You Made a Smart Decision…” 
And that Limited Numbers, Deadlines and Penalties
can trigger people in a negative way if we
don’t give the reason for them.
Remember my phrase:
It’s “BS” if there’s no “BECAUSE”. 

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“You made a Smart Decision…” (This Week.)

Use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
Last week we focused on 
“Eliminating one thing… 
  because a thing in Motion…
   stays in Motion.” 
And one of the shortcuts people use
to decide who they like
is whether that person likes them
We show we like someone
by paying a compliment.
Compliments release DOPAMINE in the Brain.
(And that feels GOOD.)
Ask your Team to start their Client interactions this week
with the simple complimentary phrase
“You made a Smart Decision…”

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“Can you Eliminate ONE thing?”….This Week.

You can use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
Last week we focused on asking
“Do you have a pen handy? 
Because we know that handwriting IMPRINTS the brain.
And “A Thing in Motion STAYS in Motion.”

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“Do You have a Pen and Paper?”….This Week.

Use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® this week.
Handwriting IMPRINTS the brain.
A Thing in Motion STAYS in Motion.
Commitment IN WRITING are up to

200% more likely for people to follow up on.
Small commitments get people moving
faster than larger commitments.
Because the Brain is Predictable.
YESCALATE® Tip # 17 “A Thing in Motion…?”