His answer changed my life…

WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON you could push to CHANGE YOUR LIFE? …you’d HIT THAT BUTTON, right? If you’re lucky, maybe once or twice in your life, you’re going to encounter an idea so powerful in its implication that it changes everything you do– and fundamentally changes the way you think.   Some of us are Seekers of such ideas. On […]


WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON you could PUSH in the HUMAN BRAIN to GET TO YES FASTER®? (both personally and as an entire company) Starting Different™ Dean MinutoPUSH THE MAGNETS™ BUTTON IN THE BRAINand GET TO YES FASTER™ Dean Minuto has spent 29 yrs documenting the behaviors that lead to faster decisions, validating with science why they […]


… Your Story Can Change Someone’s Life. WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to TELL YOUR STORY?  Elevate Yourself, Your Projects, and Your Team by spotlighting your work as a Story (both personally and as an entire company).      There are only 8 kinds of Stories. And a 6 step process to tell them effectively… Throughout human history people have learned […]

WHAT IS YOUR STORY? What have you learned?

WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to TELL YOUR STORY?  Elevate Yourself, Your Projects, and Your Team by spotlighting your work as a Story (both personally and as an entire company).      Want to replicate the secrets of success? What does every high-performance person and Team have in common?    They make the invisible VISIBLE for every person on the […]

VIDEO! Starting Different with Dean and Mark Lange, Intrapreneur

Every day, in every way, we are Starting Different™– these Webcasts are a series of live video interviews with Speaker and Author Dean Minuto for clients and friends– Improve 1% a day and in 70 days you are 2x as good. WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON you could push TO BECOME BETTER (EVERY DAY)? (both personally […]


DON’T MISS TOMORROW’S LIVE WEBCAST– we have 107 folks Registered as of this morning… (there have been 2700 views of the webcast series) WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to BECOME BETTER (EVERY DAY)? (both personally better and as an entire company)    What does every high-performing Team have in common?    They make the invisible VISIBLE for every person on […]

How to Become Better Every Day with 6,000 Employees

WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to BECOME BETTER (EVERY DAY)? (both personally better and better as an entire company)    Want to replicate the secrets of success? What does every high-performance person and Team have in common?    They make the invisible VISIBLE for every person on the Team through CUES, ROUTINES and HABITS that generate the […]

VIDEO: The kids are alright… (If you connect with them!)

“WHAT YOU SEE is not more real than WHAT IS TRUE.”— Steven Robertson Author,  ALIENS AMONG US: The Disconnected Generation Starting Different™ THE ALIENS AMONG US   Yesterday, we re-recorded our Friday Starting Different™ webcast (I talked too damn much in the first take– shocking– and needed to give Steven more space to share his tips and insights— so we did a second cut […]

Connect with the ALIENS IN YOUR HOME and OFFICE (Gen Z)

WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to connect with the ALIENS IN YOUR HOME (AND AT WORK)? Want evidence of Alien life? Just look around you at home and at work! The “kids” born between 1996 and 2010 (Gen Z) are not just your kids: they’re your customers and employees now, and they are not normal- they are […]

VIDEO: What would YOU tell your 21-yr-old SELF?

Yesterday, on my Friday Starting Different™ webcast I had a 30-min conversation (click on any of the images below to go to the video recording) with my dear friend Bill Wooditch (author of two books including the Wall St Journal bestseller FAIL MORE, and founder of a start-up that he built to $100 Million in sales), and I asked Bill to […]