… Your Story Can Change Someone’s Life.

WHAT IF THERE WAS A BUTTON that you could PUSH to TELL YOUR STORY?  Elevate Yourself, Your Projects, and Your Team by spotlighting your work as a Story (both personally and as an entire company). 
There are only 8 kinds of Stories.
And a 6 step process to tell them effectively…

Throughout human history people have learned from Stories, from the ancient to the modern… from Homer to Malcolm Gladwell.

A Story is a Shared Discovery.
And every single one of us have Stories to tell that can impact and influence people– our Family, our Teams, our Customers. 

Stories sell ideas (and products and plans).

Every great leader, every great Dad or Mom, every great marketer, every great trainer, every great preacher, every great salesperson… is a great story teller.
REGISTER NOW SO YOU CAN JOIN US for a live Starting Different™
webcast* Friday with one of my favorite people on the Planet– I will be interviewing my dear friend of Henry DeVries.

For nearly three decades, Henry DeVries has helped people tell their stories. I call Henry “the Book Whisperer” because he’s been a force behind the publication of more than 300 business books for 263 authors, in addition to 12 books of his own. Henry titles himself the Chief Encouragement Officer of his publishing house, and that definition of CEO is particularly apt for Henry as well because many of us needed his encouragement and guidance in telling our story with the world.
Join our webcast and learn the what, why and how of framing your story-whether individually or as a business-to both memorialize your learning for others, and to learn from your own learning yourself. 
1pm – 1:40 EST, Tomorrow Friday May 15th
*500 Registrations max + me and Henry
*NO CHARGE for anyone
*YES, we’ll record it (if you can’t make it on live)
We will give folks 5 mins to log in, so be at ease if bandwidth is taking you a few minutes, we will start at 5 mins after 1pm and end between 1:30 and 1:40pm. 
If you have trouble with your internet you can also dial in using your phone with the details provided after you Register. 
Click to Watch Videos
I’m honored to call Henry my friend, he contributed immensely to the work I have been able to do with tens of thousands of clients to optimize their customer experience and overall performance by making the invisible visible through my own Story.
We are never Starting Over, we are Starting Different™… 
a series of live video webcasts interviews with Dean Minuto and Friends (click to see past webcasts
  • With experts that I love who can make a difference in times of change and disruption— for People and Teams who are in the process of Starting Different.
  • The Goal is to contribute something “Utile et Dulce” as the ancients said, both Useful and Fun in a 20 – 30 min guided interview with me on GoToMeeting (or whatever Zoom-like thing I am using then)
My friends and I have skills/expertise that can help our clients and our friends during a crisis and some of those things we can offer at cost in the form of webcasts such as this one.
Let us help you and your Team breathe a little bit easier these days (metaphorically speaking) take a short break in your day to have a little skill building with us on these webcasts. 
*We will have bandwidth for 500 registrations on this webcast so REGISTER NOW if you would like to listen in live on Friday.
*Remember, I will be recording the webcast if you can’t join live.
“Success is not about making a commission, it is about making a difference.”
Thank you for allowing me to contribute. 
With your success in mind,

 Dean Minuto

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