“Say it together: NO SURPRISES.” (This Week.)

You can use Brain Science to GET TO YES FASTER® 
Because the Brain is Predictable.
Last week we focused on the fact that 
Deadlines and Limited Numbers
trigger the brain.
(click to read all articles)
“You know what to expect.” CONSISTENT. NO SURPRISES.
What does that famous McDonald’s sign really say?
It says: “You know what to expect.”
That’s what your clients want from you.
That’s what your employees want as well.

Surprise = Risk
Risk = Danger
Danger is bad to the Brain
because the Brain’s goal is SURVIVAL.
Consistent is good.
There are several ways I use the concept with the audience
throughout my own Workshops
One is really simple… I GIVE THE NUMBERS.
As I present the 7 MAGNETS Cards I say to attendees:
“You’re gonna’ have three (3) bullets under each card…”
And now the audience knows what to expect.
(Same thing that happens when you order a Big Mac.)
You know what you’re gonna’ get from McDonald’s.
You know you’re gonna’ get 3 Bullets from Dean.
And you know the cool part?
If I only give two bullets (by accident) 
the audience asks: “What is the third bullet under that card?”
Because they are expecting what is going to happen next…
Give Clients EVIDENCE of what to expect from you…
Be Specific with Your Clients. 
“People Avoid Risk… In Uncertainty they Look for Numbers. “
 What is your version of “Billions and Billions Served”…
 Give them EVIDENCE of “Others just like you… here’s an example…” 
   Provide a precise EXPECTATION “Three things will happen next…”
Give the Numbers.


Review the Week’s YESENTIALS™ Lesson with your Team
  • In 10 Minutes on Monday, run a Drill-for-Skill around this Lesson 
  • Board a summary note where everyone on your Team can see it 
  • (on your “Did Well Wall”)
  • Play the video — this week it is Tip 25 “Won’t Kill Ya”
  • Board Examples of the Tip in Practice this week…
  • Take 10 Minutes on Friday to run a Round-Table Review and Summarize the Wall
In doing so you are applying three of the most 
powerful triggers from Brain Science…
These are essential to GET TO YES FASTER®.
There are more than fifty YESENTIALS™
that I partner with client Teams to optimize.
Because we can use Brain Science to Optimize Performance.
Register your Team for one of 
Two Open Workshops coming up
Philadelphia and San Diego
(Registration Discounts at these two events available for Vistage Members)
Use code VISTAGE if you are a Member sending Team.
YESCALATE® Workshop or Webinar for Your Group
YESCALATE® Workshop or Webinar for Your Group


What is essential to build a high-performance culture?
Purpose. Behaviors. Essentials.
Define the YESENTIALS™
With your success in mind,

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