“Listening with new ears.” (Video: On Trust)

Video of Intro “On Trust”



What ears are you listening with today?  

My mentor called me the day after my interview with Dr Bill “On Trust”…
“It was like I was listening with new ears,” he said, “I heard it differently yesterday— I had heard you say it before, Dino— but it did not hit me with such impact until yesterday.”
He was at a different place (in his business, in his life) with different context– focusing on a current situation with someone he needed a yes from that allowed for the content of what I was saying to resonate deeply with him.
We hear that from Vistage CEO Members and Chairs every time Dr Bill or I present.
One Vistage CEO wrote to me yesterday—as she booked me to deliver a virtual sales kickoff event for her sales team
“I’ve seen you before, in fact you were in my office presenting to a Vistage Group in 2013. I’ve never forgotten, and I think your enthusiasm and message would be great for my team’s sales kickoff meeting.”
8 years later and the message still resonates, and she has paid me the compliment of sharing it with her Team.
She will be listening with a different ear now– and as a Speaker I will be speaking with a different tongue. Speaking with the added context of all the changes and learning in my life as well.
Dr Bill Crawford and Dean Minuto introduce you and your Team to the brain science of building relationships that matter– two world-class virtual presenters who have done the work to make their models simple to use — so that you can apply them today and remember them 8 years later.
I am thinking of this small group session as
Sales Skills for Non-Salespeople–
I will present the 5-Step SMART Model:
SMART Leaders make Better Decisions and create Extraordinary Results.
Safe, Motion, Ask, Relate, Trust
Who on your Team should attend?
With your success in mind,
Dean Minuto

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