(a lot)
I’m writing this article at the end of the week.
Scientists know the brain sparks
at beginnings and ends.
Of anything.
Those are two moments of power,
moments of choice,
moments of change.
The brain pays a lot of attention
in those moments.
And the brain also looks for patterns.
Patterns lower friction and
make it easier to make choices.
Create a pattern around your Monday morning
and your Friday afternoon to take advantage
of the natural moments of power there.
Create ROUTINES for you and for your Team
at the natural beginnings and ends in your work
…the Day, the Week, the Month,
the Quarter, the Year.
Use Friday afternoon to ask yourself and your Team
the two greatest coaching questions:
What WENT WELL this week?
(…how did we manifest our Values in our Behaviors
to optimize our Customer Experience)
What can we DO DIFFERENT next week?”
(… so that we continuously improve our
Customer Experience and link it to our Values)
Today. Every day. What you do matters.
People are watching WHAT YOU DO.
(Clients, Vendors, Team, even your Kids.)
Focus on your Behaviors.
(and turn them into HABITS)
Your Behaviors are how you manifest your Values,
and your Behaviors determine your Customer Experience
(the Outcomes for your Clients… and for your kids, too).
Want to optimize your results?
Link your Values (your BE) to your Behaviors (your BY) and explain the Outcomes with Brain Science (your BECAUSE).
Optimize Your Customer Experience
I would be honored to contribute
to your Vistage Group or Corporate Team–
and we can do it remotely, via Webinar.
Vistage Chairs and Vistage Members
Reply to me directly if you are interested.
With your success in mind,
Dean Minuto