We are safer together

…our Article last week 
discussed the “collaboration effect” 
on the human brain
…people like to participate
We are hard-wired for “We”.
This week let’s consider how “We” messaging reduces risk
And what airline safety has to do with your sales results. 
Sunday Musing: 
We are safer together.
What is your “We” message?
Here’s a question for you…
What does the most successful marketing program in the history of selling cars have in common with the safest decade in the history of flying jets?

2017 was the safest year in the history of global commercial jet aviation, and this morning we learned the sad news of a Russian passenger jet crash.  Prior to this tragic event there had been zero fatalities anywhere in the world from a jest crash in more than 400 days.
The safety of jet aviation in America has been astounding for quite some time… 
As reported by the Wall St Journal: “There hasn’t been a fatal crash at a major US passenger airline since 2009.”
What does jet safety have to do with sales of your firm’s products?
I sat down on a plane next to the head of safety for the largest airline in the United States a few years ago and I asked him: 
“What’s the most important thing the industry has put in place that has led to jets being so safe?”
He told me “we never punish a pilot when he or she comes forward and admits a mistake. Because we want to learn from it. “
To make the air safe for us the Airlines made making mistakes safe for pilots.
Regarding Airline Safety– the airlines say to pilots, basically:
“If you report the mistake, we will not fire you or send you to prison.”
There is a SYSTEM set up and run by NASA that allows pilots to do just that.
Collaboration. “We” Messaging. Reducing People’s Risk. 
But what’s that got to do with sales?
Remember the “Hyundai Assurance Program”?
Hyundai basically said to Americans: 
“If you lose your job we will take the car back.”
Regarded by industry experts as the most successful marketing program in the history of selling cars (a million and a half units over the course of two years)… 
It has nothing to do with cars. 
It is a WE MESSAGE that eliminates the customer’s risk.
Hyundai eliminated risk for American car buyers when the economy tanked.
Airlines eliminated risk for pilots first (the risk of admitting an error)… and by so doing they have have virtually eliminated risk for us as passengers.
What is at risk for your clients and employees?
What’s your Risk-Eliminating “WE MESSAGE”?
Collaboration (literally “CO-LABOR”, we work together)
Marketers like Hyundai and IKEA have done it…
The Best negotiators do it… read any of Stuart Diamond’s books (Wharton professor but he’s also been at Harvard, USC, NYU, and Columbia University… you get the picture… widely considered one of the top negotiation experts in the World) if you read his books you’ll see the thread: 
“WE MESSAGING” gets concessions in negotiations.
Find the We with your Clients.
Find the We with your Vendors.
People avoid risk, that is their nature,

And the more we understand about the nature of our clients–

and the “cognitive biases” that people use to make decisions–
the more likely we will be to GET TO YES FASTER®
I would love to share with your Team what science tells 
about how to help people decide faster–
and help them to apply the science 
to optimize your business results.
Consider booking a training workshop for us to work together.

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