VIDEO! Well, on a bad day… You can still do these 3 things

“Have mercy baby, I am descending again…”
When I feel myself sinking, 
I look in the mirror and ask myself:
“Who can I DO SOMETHING FOR today?”

What can I do that is Quadrant 1…

High Gain and Low Pain

There are ALWAYS 3 LITTLE THINGS that are BIG THINGS that I can do for my friends…

“Daddy, the little things are the big things when the big thing is LOVE” – so said Devon (Birdie) at 5 years old.
Make a Recommendation, Make an Introduction, Pay a Compliment

And according to LinkedIn Expert Colleen McKenna (C-Mack) you have over 600 Million opportunities on LinkedIn– and that number is climbing… so jump in… Colleen shows you the buttons to push.
I hate LinkedIn... but 3 powerful things you can do in under 3 mins using LinkedIn and Brain Science.
I hate LinkedIn… but 3 powerful things you can do
in under 3 mins using LinkedIn and Brain Science.

You can make a difference for someone today AND YOU CAN GET BETTER AT THE SAME TIME (Better Clients, Better Careers, Better Connections) ON LINKED IN: Dino interviews C-Mack.
(from my conversation with LinkedIn Expert Colleen McKenna)
There is brain science to understand if your goal is influencing people– and tools you can use to get to yes faster. 
LinkedIn is one of those tools.
I brought the brain science to the webcast, C-Mack brought the LinkedIn expertise.
And if you or your Team found something useful in this interview then send me a note, through LinkedIn… (that would make C-Mack happy).
This webcast was number 10 of 10– but keep your eyes open for invites to the deeper dive sessions I am planning for the weeks and months ahead.
“My Goal with these Webcasts was to contribute something ‘Utile et Dulce’ as the ancients said, both Useful and Pleasing; I planned them as ten individual 20 – 30 min guided interviews with me on the topic of my next book and workshop series, titled Starting Different™– which will focus on how Teams and Individuals can change and achieve exponential improvement through a simple process (using brain science).  
The discussion topic– really one word: change– is not only eternal but extremely timely in today’s time of disruption. The behaviors around change and leading an exceptional life have been a topic of conversation since ancient times– and certainly top of mind for great thinkers and researchers from Franklin to Fogg (Ben Franklin had a behavioral change program in the 1700’s for himself, and BJ Fogg is the founder and current head of the Behavioral Design Lab at Stanford University). I believe everything in our lives and in science and art has prepared us to contribute to people while they are navigating this time of massive change.”- Dean Minuto
With your success in mind,

 Dean Minuto