VIDEO: The kids are alright… (If you connect with them!)

“WHAT YOU SEE is not more real than WHAT IS TRUE.”
— Steven Robertson
Starting Different™ THE ALIENS AMONG US
Starting Different™ THE ALIENS AMONG US
Yesterday, we re-recorded our Friday Starting Different™ webcast (I talked too damn much in the first take– shocking– and needed to give Steven more space to share his tips and insights— so we did a second cut yesterday and we NAILED IT for you). 
Steven and I had  a 30-min conversation to unpack 5-Tips and a specific Process you can use to connect with Gen Z, the Aliens in your Homes and Offices (click on any of the images below to go to the video recording).

The “kids” born between 1996 and 2010 (Gen Z) are not just your kids: they’re your customers and employees now, and THEY ARE NOT NORMAL– they are extraordinary. 32% of the world’s 7.7 billion people, and more than 40% of U.S. consumers.

They use an entirely different internal operating system than you. 

You can learn from them, and they can learn from you, but you must first learn how to connect with each other.

Steven has likely seen more Gen Z kids, and worked with them more closely, than just about anyone in the world.

Listen as we share methods you can apply as a DELIBERATE INFLUENCE STREAM to connect with Gen Z (learn about the concept of INVISIBLE CURRICULUM and MUTUALLY UNCOMMON GROUND, and a new form of RELATIONSHIP GPS to position you as what this Gen Z needs most,  the Guide by their Side).

Every day, in every way, we are Starting Different™.

“My Goal with these Webcasts is to contribute something ‘Utile et Dulce’ as the ancients said, both Useful and Pleasing; I see them as 20 – 30 min guided interviews with me on the topic of Starting Different. The discussion topic– really one word: change– is not only eternal but extremely timely in today’s time of disruption. The behaviors around change and leading an exceptional life have been a topic of conversation since ancient times, and certainly top of mind for great thinkers and researchers from Franklin to Fogg (Ben Franklin had a behavioral change program in the 1700’s for himself, and BJ Fogg is the founder and current head of the Behavioral Design Lab at Stanford University). I believe everything in our lives and in science and art has prepared us to contribute to people while they are navigating this time of massive change.”- Dean Minuto

Dean’s next book and workshop series will be titled Starting Different™– and will focus on how Teams and Individuals can change and achieve exponential improvement through a simpleprocess (using brain science).  



“Success is not about making a commission, it is about making a difference.” Dean Minuto, THE ONE-PAGE SALES COACH
With your success in mind,

 Dean Minuto

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