By request of clients (many of them my closest friends) we have been recording 30-minute webcasts with their teams this week.
This is the most recent for you to view and share…
We have delivered 9 of them this week for Teams around the world– revising and improving the webcast as the week progressed. The first part of the webinar is the one you see in this recording, the second part for my friends and long-time clients is when we open the call up for Q&A.
Please share this video with folks you believe would find value in watching it– because there are two hard truths for us this week..
Patterns have been disrupted for EVERYONE you know, and
If you are working at home, you are now ALWAYS AT WORK.
We thought we could make a difference with this tight 30-minute session for these times we are in.
We invite you to take a break and spend 30-minutes with a little bit of real-time skill building that you can immediately apply
“Starting Different in Disruption”
5 Essential Brain Shortcuts in Disruptive Times
This morning Sara loaded the video of the most recent webinar on YouTube and on a landing page where it will play within YESCALATE®.
And here is the video on YouTube:
Many people on your Team (and in your families) will be going through some massive changes in their life, and it is my hope that I can make a difference for you and for them during this disruption.
Even if they only take ONE thing and it helps them, or someone in their family, then the work we put into creating this webinar was worth it.
As those who have attended any of my Talks or Workshops know, I often start by saying “Every morning I wake up and say: I am exactly where I am supposed to be, I am here for one person today. One person needs what I have to contribute. I am not always sure in the moment who it is… sometimes they come up and tell me IMMEDIATELY, sometimes it takes months for them to send me an email– but we are here to make a difference for each other.”
Thank you for allowing me to contribute.