“It ain’t BRAGGING if you….” (Week 9)

“It ain’t braggin if ya back it up.”
So says the great American philosopher Robert James Ritchie,
(better known as Kid Rock– the line is from the song Cocky)
and Kid Rock is right.

His statement is backed up by brain science.
Below is a review of the science along with a 2-min Tip Video
What if…  (Your Team applied Brain Science to Sales)
Next Full Day Workshops in Philadelphia (January 31)
Brain Scientists and Behavioral Psychologists know 
that three of the fastest shortcuts humans use to 
decide whether they can trust someone
are uniforms, diplomas and 3rd-party endorsements…
How effectively are you using 3rd party endorsements
in the form of titles and testimonials?
America’s best corporate sales trainers have known 
as a truism for at least 50 years…”
“If YOU SAY IT about yourself 
clients DOUBT IT
If OTHERS SAY IT about you, 
then IT’S TRUE.”
A quick story…
There was a time in my life, a few years ago
when I was going blind…
30 eye surgeries, multiple retinal detachments, 
glaucoma, cataracts… not a good place to be.
Try and put yourself in that place for a moment.
Can you imagine the feeling I had 
when after a two month wait for
an appointment with the Top Doc 
for my condition I first walked 
off the elevator at the Wills Eye Institute
and saw this sign…
Learn to use 3rd -party endorsements effectively
Learn how to use 3rd-party endorsements effectively
Was I thinking… 


I was thinking… 
“Thank God.  I am SAFE.

America’s First.

World’s Best.

US News & World Report Rated #1 in the Nation…

Do You See?

The Basics of Brain Science applied to Sales Results


How are you and your Team using testimonials and titles 
to let people know what they are safe with you? 
“It ain’t bragging if you back it up.”
“Trust” is 1 of 7 Strategies from the YESCALATE® Course
(The MAGNETS™ cards will help you attract a yes faster.)
Humans have ingrained cognitive bias towards
uniforms, diplomas, and 3rd-party endorsements.
If you consider that fact, many of you would
rewrite your messages, your proposals, 
and your presentations today.
In this month’s YESCALATE® Workshops
we will brainstorm 9 Application Exercises including
one that includes these four application questions:
  1. How are you showing up? (the visual assets that are your Uniform)
  2. What does your “3D Diploma” look like?
  3. What are your Titles and Awards
  4. Who has given you Testimonials?
Because you and your Team can GET TO YES FASTER®.
Over the last few weeks I have been outlining a
Sales Quarter of Training Content
to help you optimize your sales results
(we cover all of these in our full-day workshops):
Week One asked you to take a look in the 
Magic Sales Mirror
Week Two discussed perceptual contrast with a
One Minute Video on Framing
Week Three reminded us that
A Thing in Motion Stays in Motion 
Week Four focused our thinking around showing 
The Difference in 3D: Dollars, Data and Delta
Week Five discussed how we can provide clients
Proof and Evidence: The Power of a Tip Cup
Week Six asked you to consider showing your
3D Diploma™: Do, Done, Demo
Week Seven encouraged you to be more visual
Stop Saying, Start Showing
Week Eight warned you to use care with deadlines
The Brain has a BS Button
With your success in mind,

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