“I See”….This Week.

“How will we make it visual (so they say “I see.”)
for those we want to influence this week?”
This email goes to 8,939 CEOs and Key Executives 
who have asked to share my tips with their Teams.
Today’s one minute video tip has 4,023 views as I type this…
Remember the Greek verb “video” has two meanings..
it means “to see” 
and “to understand”…
Because the Greeks knew something 3,000 years ago
that we have all known since we were kids–
that people equate “seeing” with “understanding”.
And the brain science is clear:
90% of everything your brain does every day is 
process messages from your eyes (visual stimuli)
And info gets to the brain 30X faster 
through the eyes than through the ears.
90 Percent of Your Energy. 30X Faster.
“Never SAY it, if you can SHOW it.”
When you were a child and your Dad asked you to do something… 
it’s likely that you responded
“OK! I see what you want.”
So… the YESENTIALS™ for the week
How are we making our metrics visual to our Teams?
And how do we make the customer experience visual?
In what ways are our presentations visual?
We can even make our phone calls visuals by asking
the right questions.
Focus on these question with your Team this week.
Making our message visual is essential to GET TO YES FASTER®.
It is one of more than fifty YESENTIALS™
that I partner with client Teams to optimize.
Because we can use Brain Science to Optimize Performance.
Never Say It. SHOW IT.
The bottom line is that you know this:
The fastest way for YOU (and your Team)
to get your message into someone’s brain
is through their eyes.
And a Team that looks for ways of doing that every day 
will get to yes faster and more often.
What is essential to build a high-performance culture?
Purpose. Behaviors. Essentials.
Define the YESENTIALS™


What if…  
Your Team knew and applied the

You and your Team can GET TO YES FASTER®.
if you make your messaging more visual.
With your success in mind,

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