I honestly didn’t know what to do…

I thought about cancelling.  I mean, that’s always an option– just giving up. Send out a note, that says:
“This week gutted me, I’m overwhelmed.”

What possible difference can one Speaker cancelling one Webcast make, right? I mean really, in the midst of ALL THIS…
I honestly didn’t know what to do.
So I did what most guys of a certain age do– especially most Italian guys of exactly my age– I lit up a cigar and I went for walk… and I prayed.  And when I was done praying, I just listened. 
And I heard the voices of the great friends I have interviewed over the last ten weeks… all experts that I love, who can make a difference in times of change and disruption.

I heard the voice of my first Starting Different™ Webcast guest, Vistage Speaker of the Year Dr Bill Crawford and I heard him say “BREATHE and SAY THE WORD RELAX…” and I heard him ask me “What would you tell your DAUGHTER to do if SHE were in this situation?”
And it hit me that more than 3500 executives have watched these webcasts (more than 900 of that first interview with Dr Bill alone) and learned how to activate and engage the confident and clear part of their mind from Dr Bill.
Then I heard the voices of Vistage Speakers Michael Allosso and Rob “Cujo” Teschner— Michael saying to me “People should be better as a result of you” and Cujo reminding mean what the Top Gun’s mean by the words Commander’s Intent— the purpose of your mission.  
And I reminded myself that is exactly why I was put here on this planet– because I can make a difference for people and help them in times of disruption.
It also helped that my friend, and last week’s guest, Vistage Chair John Dame had sent this beautiful quote out a day ago in his email chain:
(from a John Dame Morning Motivation this week)
So we are doing this tomorrow– even if it makes a difference for just one of you, or one person on your Team that you want to invite.
(Forward this invite to as many people on your Team as you want)
Tomorrow’s webcast asks you to consider this question: 
What is it costing you and your firm to not be better at using LinkedIn?
How do THE BEST GET BETTER especially during these days of disruption? They are constantly in the process of Starting Different. One of the tools we have to initiate that change is LinkedIn. 
Consider attending tomorrow’s webcast with Colleen McKenna a LinkedIn Expert who has worked with thousands of executives and CEOs.  
The clients of your dreams, the career of your dreams, the connections of your dreams– I am thinking there is a 100% likelihood they are hidden somewhere in that icon on your screen called LinkedIn. 
There is brain science to understand if your goal is influencing people– and tools you can use to get to yes faster. 
LinkedIn is one of those tools.
I’ll bring the brain science to tomorrow’s webcast, C-Mack will bring the LinkedIn expertise.

REGISTER NOW for a live Starting Different™ webcast* Friday as I will be in conversation with one of my good friends Colleen McKenna.
Join our webcast and consider the what, why and how of showing up on LinkedIn–whether individually or as a business– you are a BRAND that is made up PROJECTS and SERVICES, with RELATIONSHIPS and EVENTS. Starting different means learning HOW and WHERE TO effectively tell your stories– the markers of your accomplishments and the map of your intentions — and helping the people you want to influence map those stories to themselves.
 …. and THERE IS a button you can push to START THAT PROCESS.
1pm – 1:40 EST, this Friday June 5th
*500 Registrations max + me and Colleen
*NO CHARGE for anyone
*YES, we’ll record it (if you can’t make it on live)
We will give folks 5 mins to log in, so be at ease if bandwidth is taking you a few minutes, we will start at 5 mins after 1pm and end between 1:30 and 1:40pm. 
With your success in mind,

 Dean Minuto

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