“Have mercy baby, I am descending again…”
When I feel myself sinking,
I look in the mirror and ask myself:
“Who can I DO SOMETHING FOR today?”
What can I do that is Quadrant 1…
High Gain and Low Pain
There are ALWAYS 3 LITTLE THINGS that are BIG THINGS that I can do for my friends…
“Daddy, the little things are the big things when the big thing is LOVE” – so said Devon (Birdie) at 5 years old.
Make a Recommendation, Make an Introduction, Pay a Compliment
And according to LinkedIn Expert Colleen McKenna (C-Mack) you have over 600 Million opportunities on LinkedIn– and that number is climbing… so jump in… Colleen shows you the buttons to push.
I hate LinkedIn… but 3 powerful things you can do in under 3 mins using LinkedIn and Brain Science. |
You can make a difference for someone today AND YOU CAN GET BETTER AT THE SAME TIME (Better Clients, Better Careers, Better Connections) ON LINKED IN: Dino interviews C-Mack.
There is brain science to understand if your goal is influencing people– and tools you can use to get to yes faster.
LinkedIn is one of those tools.
I brought the brain science to the webcast, C-Mack brought the LinkedIn expertise.
And if you or your Team found something useful in this interview then send me a note, through LinkedIn… (that would make C-Mack happy).
This webcast was number 10 of 10– but keep your eyes open for invites to the deeper dive sessions I am planning for the weeks and months ahead.
“My Goal with these Webcasts was to contribute something ‘Utile et Dulce’ as the ancients said, both Useful and Pleasing; I planned them as ten individual 20 – 30 min guided interviews with me on the topic of my next book and workshop series, titled Starting Different™– which will focus on how Teams and Individuals can change and achieve exponential improvement through a simple process (using brain science).
The discussion topic– really one word: change– is not only eternal but extremely timely in today’s time of disruption. The behaviors around change and leading an exceptional life have been a topic of conversation since ancient times– and certainly top of mind for great thinkers and researchers from Franklin to Fogg (Ben Franklin had a behavioral change program in the 1700’s for himself, and BJ Fogg is the founder and current head of the Behavioral Design Lab at Stanford University). I believe everything in our lives and in science and art has prepared us to contribute to people while they are navigating this time of massive change.”- Dean Minuto