2nd-Best Direct Mail Piece Ever: HOW SAD.

Quick Tips and Example: 
2nd-Best Direct Mail Piece Ever. (How Sad) 
LESSON: Five Best Practices and Yet… 

12:16 pm today this letter arrived in my mailbox
12:20 pm I opened it and read it
12:21 pm I called with the intent to buy
12:22 pm they lost the deal.
I really wanted them to make this sale. 
I was pulling for them.
After 10 days on the road I am home 
getting my mail for the first time…
Three flights and 14 hours of driving in 10 days:
Detroit, keynoting a Vistage Marketing Event…
Texas, kicking off a year-long sales optimization program with 150 reps of a client’s Customer Engagement Center
… then I drove to Rhode Island for my second Annual National Sales Workshop with 47 sales reps for another client.
But as soon as I opened the letter…
I saw so much that was GOOD in it.
BEST PRACTICES that I share with my audiences in my Training Events.
I’ve been talking about these best practices, and the science behind them, for 25 years.
I got excited.

I wasn’t looking to buy something this morning.
… never heard of this company before
… never heard of their service offering
And yet within four minutes of my postman 
placing this letter in my mailbox 
I was calling to see if I could become their customer.
Five specific things that jumped out at me.
Can you and your Team name them?
So I called them!
And they dropped the ball on the intake. 
I place the likelihood of me becoming their client now somewhere between 0% and 0%
What a shame. 
I had such high hopes for them…
All the thinking…all the planning… 
that went into this direct mail piece
… the targeting of customers
… the calculation of the precise outcome they could provide
… the elimination of my risk
They did it all so well until that moment 
when the rubber met the road 
when I called in….
(He said his name was “Bob”… 
but I will I’ll always think of him as “cigarettes and Scotch” 
because that’s what he sounded like.)
But let’s talk about the DID WELL’s first…
That’s where I always start with my coaching:
Again, this is the second best direct mail piece I have ever received in my mailbox.
There are 5 primary reasons it is so good.
(And if you have ever been through a YESCALATE® Workshop or Webinar you see them…)
  1. ALPHA (focus on ME… PERSONALLY)
  2. SUPPLY (set a DEADLINE… with a valid reason)
  3. SHOW PRECISION with the OUTCOME (frame the change in 3D– Dollars Data and Delta)
  4. ELIMINATION OF RISK (“no charge, contingency based on savings”)
  5. And CLEARLY OUTLINING the NEXT STEP (“call us at…so we can explain…”)
I’ll definitely share the reasons in detail in my webinar next week…if you want to participate?
Sign up (and your Team as well) and we will discuss together. 
But it has to do with two things… 
1.  the folks answering the phone not being aware of the marketing effort
and more importantly 
2.  not being trained on the two things to do to engagesomeone in an initial meeting or phone call.
It’s not brain science (although I do share a lot of brain science in my sessions) but this was a missed opportunity for sure.
Would you like to learn the science behind 

how to accelerate peoples responses to your offers?

how to close more sales once you have their attention?
how to trigger these outcomes in an honest and ethical way?
On next week’s webinar I will share 
  • Ten Triggers from Brain Science that you and your Team can use to GET TO YES FASTER®
  • Five Exercises for you and your Team to apply immediately using those Triggers 
  • And as a BONUS…I will share the BEST DIRECT MAIL piece I have ever received…and we can discuss WHY it was so GOOD
  • We will certainly cover what “cigarettes and Scotch” missed…TWO THINGS that your Reps should always do when a new prospect calls YOUR firm.
I guarantee that you and your Team will 
apply the learning to your own business immediately
Whether in your face to face sales efforts
In your call center
or in your direct response marketing
Next week I am offering a two-part Webinar for Vistage Members and their Teams– 
90 Minute Webinar each Day on 
Wednesday, May 30 and Thursday, May 31, 2018
from 12:30pm EST-2pm EST each day
The cost is $399 for the Two Part Webinar Series
Because I will be preparing prework and videos 
to send out to you on Tuesday
so Register Today if you are interested.
And for those of you who can attend a Live Workshop in the Philly area we have a 
3 Hr YESCALATE Workshop
in the King of Prussia area on Friday of Next Week
Philadelphia Area:  Friday, June 1, 2018 from 10am-1pm
The cost is $399 per attendee for the Live Workshop
Or would you be interested in a Custom Workshop for you and your Team? 
I help CEOs and their Teams 
GET TO YES FASTER® with clients, vendors 
and their co-workers
by teaching a summary course in brain science 
and behavioral psychology
(best practices in sales and marketing)
Providing tips and tools that every member 
of your Team can use immediately
to accelerate and close more “YES” results.

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